
The most valuable insights from the world of 2D art, 3D modeling, and animation

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How 3D Can Boost Your Online Sales

Sales, sales, sales... Selling online you can easily get lost among hundreds of nearly identical stores, whose product pages look generally the same - prices, descriptions, delivery terms, photos. What is the likelihood that the buyer will land the sale on your online store?

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Overview of Markets and Industries Captured by 3D Technologies

For the past years, 3D modeling has been slowly but surely replacing hand-drawn sketches and 2D images. High demand for cutting-edge 3D technology is driven by undeniable advantages of computer aided 3D modeling over 2D visualization of products and processes.

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6 Reasons Why to Use 3D Modeling in Product Design

3D model can be a great multifunctional tool helping manufacturers and designers first design, then create and finally market and sell their products. Showcasing a product in 3D is the best alternative for spectacular presentation of a new product design or idea to other company members or potential customers.

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Why Outsourcing to Ukraine is Good For Your Business?

As the global IT and Graphic Design industry spins up outsourcing seems to be as popular as never before. Today, when large corporations are no longer the only players and when smaller companies blossom, many businesses continue to choose outsourcing services as one of the best ways to do business.

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How 3D Helps to See the Future

3D has entered different spheres of life. Today it is hard to imagine any better way to see the future of a house, its exterior and interior design. Most architects […]

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Magic Wand of a 3D Artist or 7 Tools for Architectural Rendering

Today giant corporations such as Autodesk established themselves as a leading choice for the majority of 3D designers, architects, animations and other computer graphics professionals leaving little space for small companies developing and delivering 3D modeling software tools for architects and 3D designers.

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How to Push Up Sales With Rendered 3D Floor Plans

rchitects and real estate professionals work every day with floor plans and know how much time and effort it may require to develop a floor plan that can impress potential clients. For all who think about building a house, the question of how it will look like in-and-out once it is finished is paramount.

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Polygons vs Pixels: 3D Excluding Traditional Photos Out From Catalogs

Nowadays many companies prefer 3D technologies rather than traditional methods like photography for creating their marketing material. Most furniture manufacturers, clothing and homewear brands as well as tool production companies use 3D medium to create their catalogs and similar marketing materials.

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Freelance Artist VS Graphic Design Company

Working with a graphic design agency (or 2D/3D modeling and animation company) instead of a freelance artist can offer lots of advantages. However, this is not a one-way street, and […]

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Architectural Rendering: Transforming Visions into Exquisite Realities

As deliverables of design and drawing production stages, real estate developers still get physical drawings, which present the design intent and quantity of objects. But investors or buyers are no more satisfied with flat 2D drawings of a building-to-be.

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Tips, tricks, hints and helpers for organic modeling

For most people outside 3D industry 3D modeling appeared 20 years ago when Jurassic Park with its computer generated creatures came out. But we all know that 3D modeling and […]

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Best of 2013: Photorealistic Renders and Interior Designs

The year 2013 is gone but beautiful interior designs will stay with us forever and we cannot go without mentioning some of the best Interior designs and renders we have […]

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How 3D Changed the Client-Architect Relationship

Hyper-realistic rendering have definitely changed the idea and image of architecture. Breathtaking photo-realistic images of architecture captivated the industry leaving little space for traditional drawings and maquettes. Due to the easy availability of architectural renders, people start to lose the true value of a rendering these days.

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Autodesk Maya vs. 3ds Max: Pros and Cons, Users’ Voice and More

The work of 3D designers and animators is closed connected with multiple software tools that are designed to ease the process of creation of 3D artworks. Being a 3D modeler or animator means being well acquainted with all types and features of 3D modeling and animation software tools that are used to highlight your creations.

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3D Manuals: Visual ‘Know-how’ For Product Documentation

What would you choose as a user - multipage maintenance documentation or a brief, step-by-step interactive 3D user guide? Don’t bother answering. Printed user manuals are now the things of the past. The technological revolution affected the communication area and facilitated companies to create fully interactive 3D product manuals.

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